Surprising Foods That Keep Your Body Warmer

It's getting cold outside. The clock change this weekend .You can warm up from the inside-out, though, with these unexpected foods.. These foods are so incredibly surprising but are backed by scientific data to help convince you.

Iced Coffee
You read that right: Iced, not just hot, coffee can keep you toasty on cold mornings. While it may seem counterintuitive, it’s not the hot temperature of the coffee that warms you, it’s the caffeine. “Caffeine increases metabolism by stimulating the release of fatty acids from the body's fat tissues, which in turn can increase body temperature Add milk to your morning cup. And the nutrients increase diet induced thermogenesis (the process of converting calories to heat). The result: You feel warmer from the inside out. Don't miss our round-up of
Lean Meats
If you always seem to have cold hands and feet, you may have iron deficiency (or, anaemia). Some people with the condition get enough of the nutrient, but have trouble absorbing it; others simply aren’t eating enough iron-rich foods. If you chat with your doctor and find out it’s the latter, adding foods rich in the mineral can help warm you up. Lean beef, poultry and pork tenderloin all fit the bill while remaining low in saturated fat. Although there are plant-based sources of the nutrient, like iron-fortified cereals and beans, the body absorbs more iron from meat than it does from other sources.

Whole Grains & Complex Carbs
Because of the fibre, whole grains and other complex carbs like potatoes and lentils require more energy to break down than simple carbs like cookies and white bread. This process not only keeps you fuller longer, but because the body is working so hard to digest your food, it may also increase body heat
Despite popular belief, spicy foods—like hot peppers—won’t help keep you warm. Since they make you perspire, they actually cool you down—not exactly what you want when it’s cold outside. Cumin, on the other hand, generates less intense heat that will warm you up without drenching you in sweat

Ginger has body warming benefits. A 2012 found that the spice enhances thermogenesis. Scientists also found that it reduced feelings of hunger, suggesting that it may play a potential role in weight loss. Ginger can be added to meat dishes, soups and smoothies with equally delicious results.
This popular fruit is rich in B vitamins and magnesium, which helps the thyroid and adrenal glands regulate the body's temperature in cold weather, One large banana serves up about ten percent of the day’s magnesium and a healthy dose of B vitamins. Add it to your breakfast cereal

The spice that gives curry powder and mustard its deep yellow colour, is rich in antioxidants and has long been used for healing in India. It's seen as one of the best warming herbs because it's thought to tighten tissues and absorb excess moisture. As well as the heat it helps give to spicy foods like curries, turmeric milk or turmeric tea are hailed as excellent warming drinks too