5 Diet Resolutions for New Year - You can Keep

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year
Have you made bold resolutions on January 1st to "eat right" -- whatever that means?
Determined to follow that plan whatever – This time you mean it
Well along with determination these 5 little steps can help you focus one step at a time

New Year's Diet Resolution No. 1: Go Slow
Resolving to get more fibre in your diet this year?
Maybe more fish or fresh fruit? Any diet change is easier if you take slow, small steps. For example:
Vow to add one more piece of fruit or veg to your lunch box daily.
Designate a day as fish day.
Package up a single serving of your favourite whole-grain cereal and then treat it as your midmorning snack.
New Year's Diet Resolution No 2: Water, Water, Everywhere
Water: It's cheap, fat-free, and gives your body a quenching boost. Find the idea of 2 litres a day daunting? Think small:
Drink one glass first thing in the morning, before you brush your teeth.
Tempted by more cola? Another glass of wine? Drink a glass of water first.
Resolve to drink one more glass of water today than you had yesterday.
New Year's Diet Resolution No. 3: Go for the Gold ... and Red ... and Purple
Colourful fruit & vegetables are packed with disease-fighting plant compounds, so when you shop, reach for a rainbow.
Designate a colour-a-day. Maybe Mondays are yellow, with grapefruit, golden apples, or corn starring in meals, while Tuesdays are purple with plum and aubergine
Get the kids involved and go for a theme: Build a green pizza with green peppers and artichokes, or a red produce-tomatoes red peppers and chilli.
Vary the rainbow -- pick up a new-to-you fruit or veggie the next time you shop.

New Year's Diet Resolution No 4: Tackle Mindless Munching
You're chatting with friends around the dinner table or watching a DVD -- and you just keep nibbling. Try these tips to reign in the munchies:
Pop a stick of gum or a sugar-free mint in your mouth.
Brush your teeth.
Pay attention -- look at each piece of food you plan to eat.
Busy your hands with a glass of water, a cup of tea, or cleaning off the table.

New Year's Diet Resolution No 5: Stack the Odds in Your Favour
Don't forget to help yourself succeed, and to reach out for help when you need it.
Keep coming to class- like minded friends and support is crucial - share your ideas, plans, and successes regularly with us – others can learn form you as you can from them
Leave the temptations -- ice cream, chips, fizzy – in the shop. Promise yourself you'll give into cravings only outside the home, in one-serving portions.
Socialize with non-food events. Get your friends together in the park, for a walk, or a girlie chat in each others homes.